
Thursday, 18 October 2018

The Secret Pill

The Secret Pill

When I opened my eyes I sat up then I saw 2 big fat eyes looking eyes at me. Then
he said “I see you have got a pill” and i said “um yes”.then the big fat eye was starting
to get closer then bend down and said “squish it as hard as you can it will give you awesome
powers” then he started to walk away then I said “HEY! How long do I have these powers for?”
then he stopped and turned around said “24 hours”

The Freeze In Time

One day walking home the ground was shaking.then I turned around in horror!
The ground was going up! Then suddenly everything stopped.people were stood like
statues all around me;people in cars,men on bicycles,babies in prams,all lifeless...frozen in time. But
me I wasn't frozen.

Then I suddenly remembered what happened

I was at school in science and we had to make something different something new...something
powerful then one person behind me from my desk