Pig- he looks like a fat salami.
He sounds like a screaming rat. The dog smells like food that gets all over his face By eating too much and face planting into his food.
He talks like he is a special one. The pug acts like he can do anything he wants the fat pug is unique by he still lives after he gets hurt. The fat thing laughs like an evil thing that has all the power. He talks like he needs everything. The way that pig moves in a pushy way.
This fat things behavior affects other people by making them feel left out e.g like Trevor pig shoves pass people to get all the love and he could be a lot nicer to everyone.
Pig has nothing prepared at all his room he does not make his bed his clothing is on the floor. Pig toys and some of the Trevor toys are scattered all around his bedroom like a mud pile. Pigs food scraps are everywhere and he does not care about how clean he has to be.
Walt we have been doing Character Descriptions about pig or Trevor